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Professor Dr. Uday SalunkheProf. Dr. Uday Salunkhe has a great reputation in India and abroad. He has been invited as a guest faculty to prestigious institutes like the Harvard Business School and the European University in Germany.
Psychologist and Pre and Post Marriage Counsellor in IndiaDr Nisha Khanna offers pre-marital counseling, family counseling, and other psychological services in India, such as stress management. Contact us today.
Events For Digital DignityAt a roundtable discussion on the politics of misinformation, Sahana Udupa joined Courtney Cooper, Global Policy Director at WhatsApp, and Yotam Shmargad, University of Arizona, highlighting emerging challenges around en
Global Summit on Environmental Science and Engineering | Research ConThe interdisciplinary field of Environmental Science and Engineering is the design and to find solutions for a more sustainable and resilient future. The opportunities arising from Environmental Science and Engineerin
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Dr. Gerald O Daniel - Expert Plastic Surgeon In Louisville, KYLouisville plastic surgeon Dr. O Daniel is internationally recognized for pioneering work - 502.584.1109
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Sasi KrishnaAyngaran life science foundation is a part of Ayngaran Foundation Founded by Sasi krishnasamy
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